Welcome to the BQAC YouTube Channel. We are a 501 (c) 3 non for profit based in Chicago, Illinois serving the Bisexual and Queer Community at Large since 2010. Watch our intro for a history on the organization, what we have done and the current programming and events we offer.
In this video, we have Authors Dr. Justin Terry-Smith and Khafre Abif share their stories about being Bisexual Men and Living with HIV. They share about the books they have written about their experience and how living with HIV has impacted others in their community that they have reached out through their work.
Are you a trans man or women or identify as nonbinary? A Letter of Support is needed for gender affirming Surgery.
In this video, BQAC's Eve K. collaborates with Center On Halsted's Dr. Ashley Molin from their Behavioral Health Department. They will explain the steps on how to obtain a letter of support in order to obtain gender affirming surgery.